But the blending of civilizations and random geography put it well into this trope. Fictional Earth: The planet has earthlike features and you're controlling human empires.Explosive Breeder: This is a desirable situation - to produce enough food to get new pop each and every turn in that specific town.End-Game Results Screen: Shows the winner, and which ages the winner and runners up got their fame from.Even in Neolithic times with spread out tribes. Easy Communication: Like most such games, you have no problems ordering anything to do whatever you want it to do.Company Cross References: The Mass Entertainment technology is represented by a picture of two kids playing Sonic the Hedgehog.As a result, they are more likely to spawn in their "proper" latitudes, and in the same time near-impossible elsewhere. Common Place Rare: Both strategic and luxury resources are tied with terrain types and climate.It's also possible to automatically crib off the research of a superior neighbor under certain circumstances called "technological osmosis".
#Game humankind full#
Comeback Mechanic: If an empire falls a full era behind others, they will receive "Competitive Spirit" era stars, giving them a let up to reach the next culture choice and its tier of bonuses.The game further enforces mix-and-match approach, as sticking to your culture from previous era offers no real benefit. City names and special buildings stick around, and cultural bonuses stack, implying that you are combining the cultures in question. You can combine any culture from one age with any other cultures from another age. Culture Chop Suey: A big part of the game.These are visible to the player as soon as they meet, making it more honest than some examples. The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: AI empires on all difficulties get a couple of "perks" that synergize with their playstyle bias to give them an advantage.You also get a bonus to your fame (the score that determines final victory), but if you can win the game while voluntarily handicapping yourself in this fashion, you clearly didn't need the bonus.

Bragging Rights Reward: Cultural Transcendence allows you to move from one era to the next while retaining your current culture, foregoing any new bonuses gained by switching.But to get those, you need a reliable industrial base. At first glance, every other resource is more important, especially money and science. Boring, but Practical: Makers quarter.In later eras, their war affinity is far, far more useful, just not so much in early game. Blessed with Suck: Unless highly-specific circumstances happen, Militaristic cultures of Ancient and Classic eras are completely useless, since there might be nobody to conquer or fight with in the extent that non-Militarists can deal with, while Militaristic cultures receive no bonuses to peaceful development.For actual black Vikings, for example, you could choose Nubians (in ancient times) and/or Aksumites (classical), then pick Norsemen in the Medieval period. cultures from different parts of our world.